Title: Rainforest Series 10
Year: 1996
Size: 112 x 150cm
Style: Portrait
Medium: Watercolor
Period: 1990
Artist: Tham Siew Inn
RM450.00 – RM1,100.00
A night scene of a rainforest, the jungle?s night scene with evening dew, mists and moisture in the atmosphere reflecting the moonlight and starlight, night glowing mushrooms and fireflies filled the forest with exiting lights and colors, a true masterpiece by Tham that every part of the painting is filled with much details, looking at it years and we still find new excitement in the painting.
Title: Rainforest Series 10
Year: 1996
Size: 112 x 150cm
Style: Portrait
Medium: Watercolor
Period: 1990
Artist: Tham Siew Inn
Fine Art Print Available for Sale | Full Size 56 x 76cm, Half Size 58x56cm, Quarter Size 28x38cm |
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