Title: Melaka River 11
Year: 2005
Size: 28 x 75cm
Style: Portrait
Medium: Watercolor
Period: 2000
Artist: Tham Siew Inn
A sunset scene of a lively Melaka river, after a day of fishing off shore, the fishing boats returned with bounties of the sea, the fishing boats park shore side and fish merchants approach them to buy their catch, some residents nearby approaches to buy directly from fishermen to get the freshest ingredients for a family dinner.
Title: Melaka River 11
Year: 2005
Size: 28 x 75cm
Style: Portrait
Medium: Watercolor
Period: 2000
Artist: Tham Siew Inn
Fine Art Print Available for Sale | Full Size 56 x 76cm, Half Size 58x56cm, Quarter Size 28x38cm |
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