Title: Spirit of Colours I
Year: 1996
Size: 116 x 152cm
Style: Portrait
Medium: Watercolor
Period: 1990
Artist: Tham Siew Inn
RM450.00 – RM1,200.00
(In Britishpedia?) 3 a.m in the middle of a night, awoken by mosquito bites, Tham saw a magical splash of moonlight and starlight upon the cloud on beach side, that inspired this masterpiece artwork.
Title: Spirit of Colours I
Year: 1996
Size: 116 x 152cm
Style: Portrait
Medium: Watercolor
Period: 1990
Artist: Tham Siew Inn
Fine Art Print Available for Sale | Full Size 56 x 76cm, Half Size 58x56cm, Quarter Size 28x38cm |
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