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Melaka River 14

A reformed scene of Melaka River, the shore line are now fixed with concrete walkways for pedestrian and house owners. Breathing new element to heritage buildings with convenient walkway.

Homeland 4

Colorful and vibrant vegetation spread across the landscapes, a bountiful and rich fill between corners of eyes, our beautiful homeland.

Melaka River 13

A busy Melaka river scene now gone, boats transporting goods, locals and tourists alike, frequently cruising in the river.

Melaka River 45

Malacca river is facing a time of changing, the construction of a man made island in middle of it’s river mouth is imminent, as mega machine is working, fishing boats is drifting in the tides wondering about their future.

Melaka River 11

A sunset scene of a lively Melaka river, after a day of fishing off shore, the fishing boats returned with bounties of the sea, the fishing boats park shore side and fish merchants approach them to buy their catch, some residents nearby approaches to buy directly from fishermen to get the freshest ingredients for a family dinner.

Melaka River 10

Capturing a bright sunny day in Melaka river, fishing boats leaving wishing a bountiful day, a now historic scene that has changed since the river is beautified by state authorities, no more fishing boat are park ashore since the years of 2005

Cheng Hoon Teng Temple 10

A source of infinite inspiration, from different time and age, the Cheng Hoon Teng Temple of Melaka is a subject of Tham for many times, everyone expressed in different style and technique, capturing the temple?s glory in different lights, moods and conditions.

Melaka River 46

A night time live sketching after rain, created this atmospheric piece, with precise control, the watercolor natural bleed on the paper surface, effected by humidity, perfectly captured reflection in the water, the moisture in the air and city lights bleed into the mists.


Beautiful Fraser?s Hill

Feeds my imagination

Fires my creative urge

With its verdant fields

I always turn to them

for my inspiration.

My Garden 15

Nature has always been his subject and source of inspiration, other than venturing into the wild nature, he also surround himself in natural environment by cultivating nature in his living, to draw inspiration from his living environment.